Sponsor a House
House sponsors not only contribute financially to the hard costs of home construction, they also provide the volunteer support needed to help build each home. Whether you are interested in offering a team-building opportunity for your company, providing outreach and fellowship opportunities for your congregation, or want to bring a group of friends together to support affordable homeownership in our community, HFHGCC has a range of sponsorship levels to meet any budget and group size.
Theme Builds
HFHGCC can work with a wide variety of industries and organizations to coordinate specially-themed houses. Some examples: Buildable Hours, a build involving the legal community or Women Build, staffed by all-women volunteers. These projects provide opportunities for networking and relationship-building.
Promotional Benefits
Promotional benefits such as inclusion on the HFHGCC website, build site signage, recognition at house dedications, invitations to special events, and inclusion in our newsletter are available and graduated by sponsorship level.